Candidate Acceptance Period delayed due to COVID-19

Dear UAW Local 863 Member:

As you are aware, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has issued a “Stay-at-Home” order which allows for only essential travel. As a result the UAW Local 863 Hall is closedThe hall will re-open when the Ford Sharonville Plant re-opens AND the travel ban has been lifted. At that time, we will continue to accept Candidate Acceptance Forms for the Local 863 General Election to make up for the days lost due to the closure.

Candidate Acceptance Forms may be submitted to Local 863 Union Headquarters the first week back during normal business hours on Monday (unless it’s Easter Monday), Tuesday, Wednesday, and until 12:00 noon on Thursday as previously scheduled.

As a reminder - The Election Committee will use a lottery draw to determine each candidate’s position on the ballot. The lottery draw will be held on Thursday at 3:30pm at UAW Local 863 Union Hall. All Members are welcome to be present for the drawing

If we return to work by April 6th the election will be held on May 5th as scheduled.

However, if we return to work after the week of April 6th, we will have to postpone the election at least until the following month. If this is the case, a notification will be mailed to the Local 863 Membership.

Please continue to follow the Governor’s requests and be safe during this difficult and unprecedented time in our history.


Marlin D. Harris, UAW Local 863 President

Jessica Carpenter, UAW Local 863 Election Committee Chair

