
Please see attached bulletin for more details about the Memorial Day Flag Raising Ceremony on May 24, 2024.

Please see attached bulletin for more details about discount Kings Island tickets.

Please see attached bulletin for more details about discount Cincinnati Reds tickets.

Dear Sisters and Brothers, As trade unionists and as Americans, we were outraged and heartsick at the horror of George Floyd’s death on May 25. It was yet another tragedy in a long and sorrowful history of the divisiveness of racism in this nation. Since that day in communities from coast to coast, we have seen Americans from all walks of life, black, brown and white, stand together to demand change. To demand – finally – that we address the systemic racial divide that has plagued our nation since its inception.

Listed below are the RESULTS of the RUN-OFF ELECTION held on June 9, 2020
for the following EXECUTIVE OFFICER:

PRESIDENT (One elected)

Tod Turner, Jr. 611  ELECTED

Marlin Harris 481



My Sisters and Brothers, I want to begin this message by recognizing the strength and courage of this union and each and every one of you. These past couple of months have been extraordinarily difficult for all of us — and for all of America. And as we work to open up our economy and go back to work, I know there are so many concerns and fears.


CFM Unit Bargaining Chair:   Brian Wilson  - Elected by acclamation

CFM Unit Union Steward (part-time):  Markius B. Mooney - Elected by acclamation

CFM Unit Union Steward (part-time):  (open)



Nurse Unit Bargaining Chair:  Pamela A. Wilson - Elected by acclamation


Dear Sisters and Brothers, On May 19, two dams in mid-Michigan failed, leading to massive floods that devastated families in that area. Over 11,000 people were evacuated, and thousands of homes were destroyed. There is always a difficult road to rebuilding after this kind of tragedy, but it is even more challenging to do so in the age of COVID-19.
“I would like to recognize and commend everyone who plays an integral part as essential workers across the UAW, with a special emphasis on my brothers and sisters who perform cleanup duties. We have always known our value and worth with the jobs we perform, from the roof tops and tanks to the tunnels below, to keep our plants running smoothly...

The bulletin detailing the run off election on June 9 for the office of President is attached below in PDF form. The run off will be between Marlin Harris and Tod Turner JR.