
To view the Transmitter - June 2024 edition online, open the attached file.

Please see the attached bulletins for more information about the 1st annual Steve Hines Memorial Golf Scramble.

Please see the attached bulletin for more information about the upcoming General Membership Meeting on June 2, 2024.

Please see attached bulletin for more details about 2024 Hoffman - Combs Scholarship.

Please see attached bulletin for more details about discount Moster Jams tickets.

If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization functions on a day-to-day basis. It’s a valuable resource for any member interested in increasing their knowledge of our union.

You can download it here, and share it with fellow UAW members.

In this issue:

To view the Transmitter - December 2023 edition online, open the attached file.

Please see attached bulletin for more details about the upcoming contract vote.

Please see attached bulletin for more details about the upcoming meetings.

Please see attached bulletin for more details about the upcoming holiday gate collection.