UAW Local 2335

Welcome to our new union website!

On behalf of the Education Committee and our Executive Board, we would like to welcome you to our union website! We are extremely excited to finally have a tool for members to refer to. We have two main goals for this site: education and communication. We wish to add this website to use along side our contract, bylaws, and UAW Constitution to further educate our members. Each month we will be posting new information on various topics concerning our contract, committees, history, and so on. So, please check in often!

Thank you for visiting!

    - Education Committee

If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization f

Before you react, just let this list marinate in your mind for a few minutes.

How does this list make you feel? Angry? Guilty? Frustrated? Amused? Or you don’t care either way?

The Big 3 Special Issue of Solidarity Magazine is now online!

Take Action

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) awarded the $6 billion contract for the next generation of postal vehicles to Oshkosh Defense, a company with a reputation for tough military trucks built with union labor with just a small number of electric vehicles on order.

But instead of using this opportunity to expand quality jobs under a decades-old union contract, the company plans to refurbish a vacant warehouse in another state and build these vehicles without a commitment to union wages or representation.

Let’s Build Back Better and put letter carriers in union-made vehicles that are good for the planet. Add your name and sign the petition if you agree.

Recent News

     If our local does go on strike, there are a few steps everyone must take. If you are at work when the strike is called, you are to stop what you are doing, grab all your belongings, and leave the grounds. No one will be allowed on the company’s premises once a strike is called. There will be an area where we will all meet up. Everyone will be placed on a schedule on when they are expected to be on the strike line, which will mirror what your regular work schedule is. To receive the strike pay, you will need to show up and sign in when scheduled.

There are two classes of legal strikes: economic strikes and unfair labor practices (ULP).

January – March: Bargaining Committee gathered information from the membership through surveys.

April – June: The Committee along with Regional and International reps start to put together proposals based on the survey results.

July: Bargaining Committee meets with the company to start the give and take fight. The company will be focused on getting the most out of the employees at the cheapest price while the union will fight for improvements for the members in a fair, enforceable contract.

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