Advisory Councils

In the words of Walter Reuther, “There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men. There is no greater contribution than to help the weak.

The mission of the Region 2B UAW Women's Advisory Council is to secure and improve the standard of living, working conditions, and social justice for ALL workers, and to continue to educate, organi

The mission of the UAW Region 2B Veterans Advisory Council is to seek and represent the interest of all active and retired UAW members who are veterans of the military and their families.

The mission of this UAW Region 2B Council is to coordinate the activities of all UAW Local Unions and Units of amalgamated Local Unions within Region 2B who have technical, office, and professional members. In addition, this council is responible for the following:

The objectives of this UAW region 2B Skilled Trades Advisory Council are to assist with organizing, improvement of working conditions, increase of wages and to strive towards standardization of contracts and apprenticeship programs.  Also, to bring about a better understanding of the common problems and concerns of skilled trades persons across Region 2B by our exchange of views and information.  Furthermore, we strive to share best practices and successes in an effort to increase job security for our current Journeypersons and provide opportunities for the next generation of Tradespeople.

The mission of the UAW Region 2B I.P.S. (Competitive Shop) Advisory Council is to secure and improve the standard of living, working conditions, and social justice for its members, and to continue to educate, organize, and strengthen the unity of its members.

The purpose of this UAW Region 2B Civil & Human Rights Advisory Council shall be to unite into one organization, regardless of religion, race, creed, color, sex, political affiliation or nationality, age, disability, marital status, gender expression, gender identity or sexual orientation, all employees under the jurisdiction of the International Union, Region 2B.  To organize all UAW Local Union Civil and Human Rights Committee into and effective, anti-discrimination instrument for the specific purpose of implementing the policies, procedures and programs of the International Union.

The mission of the UAW Region 2B Union Label Advisory Council is to secure and improve the standard of living, working conditions, social justice for UAW members and for all working people. Its aim is also to continue to educate, raise awareness and promote the importance and benefit to buying American Made, Union Made products and services and American Made goods to both our members and our communities.

The mission of the UAW Region 2B Chaplaincy Council is to reach out to and assist UAW members and their communities by putting into practice our motto, “CARING IN THE WORKPLACE”.  We will achieve this by:

The mission of the UAW Region 2B Education Advisory Council is to secure and improve the standard of living, working conditions, and social justice for ALL workers, and to continue to educate, organize, and strengthen the unity of our members; to fight for issues that affect them within the workplace, local community, and political forums; to dedicate ourselves to mentoring, leadership development, and social events focused on upward mobility of our union’s growth.