What We're Fighting For: What is CAP?

The Community Action Program of the UAW (CAP) is the union's non-partisan political arm. It is a department of the International Union.
It isn't a political party and it isn't tied to a political party. It endorses candidates, on the basis of their records and their stance on issues that affect working Americans. Over the years, CAP Councils have endorsed Democrats, Republicans and Independents.
Local and regional political endorsements are made by the UAW's 160 CAP Councils or by other union bodies acting upon CAP Council recommendations. CAP Councils are made up of rank and file union members and retirees.
The UAW's International Executive Board makes the union's endorsement for president and vice-president following a secret ballot recommendation from each of the nation's UAW locals.
There is a CAP Council working on political issues and candidate research at every level of the UAW and for every level of government in every area of the country where UAW members and retirees work and live.
Why Is Labor Involved in Politics?
Political attacks on labor unions are nothing new. Every time the U.S. Congress or a state legislature opens a new session, a flood of bills intended to restrict the rights and protections of working Americans and their labor unions is introduced. Often the source of the proposed legislation is industrial and business organizations interested in undermining unions and workers' pay and benefits.
When working men and women help elect friendly candidates, passage of these anti-worker bills is less likely. For more on this topic, click here.
Workers have learned through bitter experience that there is a powerful link between the bread box and the ballot box. Gains won at the bargaining table and through sacrifice on the picket line can be wiped out by the hostile actions of political leaders, state legislatures, and Congress.
Click HEREto view the UAW Publication, What We're Fighting For.
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