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Statement from Ted Fleming, UAW Region 2B Retired Workers Council Chairperson, Regarding 2024 Elections

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Voting is one of the most important responsibilities we have. The UAW Constitution calls on each of us to participate in political and legislative actions. There is no better way to support the UAW’s political efforts.

I cannot overstate the importance of getting our UAW endorsed candidates elected. Our jobs literally depend upon it.

In solidarity, 

UAW Region 2B director

David Green

Note: the above message has been sent to all UAW 2B staff, CAP Councils and local union leaders.



I could not agree more. The UAW cannot achieve our goals of economic and social justice for our members if we fail to recognize and support candidates who support us. Walter Reuther said it best. The ballot box is tied to the bread box. If we as union members turn against our leadership at the polls, the message we send is “there is no solidarity in the ranks of our union today”. We are not the union we once were. We are a divided union. Abe Lincoln said “A divided house will not stand.” 

The Republican party leadership are not pro union. In fact they are the exact opposite. They really don’t hide it. 

Sure, Trump put together a fake union picket line to fool our membership into believing he was with us. I viewed it as an insult to our membership’s intelligence. When Trump was in office, he appointed pro-corporate board members to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the agency that was put In place in the 1930s to protect America’s workers’ right to organize and protect us from unfair labor practices. His appointments were a pay back to corporate America. They blocked, delayed and ruled against our union’s charges many, many times.

The Republican legislators’ plan is to push for a National Right to Work law. This is a back door approach to defund unions. How you ask? This legislation would give non dues paying members all the same wages, benefits and rights as dues paying members. A free ride.

So please don’t tie the hands of our union leadership when you go to the polls. We need your help and solidarity to keep our access to federal and state lawmakers, otherwise we will be standing outside looking in as they pass laws to weaken unions and diminish our protected rights.

We stood together in solidarity on the picket lines, so please don’t turn your backs on our union leadership now.

We are stronger and our voices are louder when we stand together.

Thank you.

In solidarity,

Ted Fleming

UAW Region 2B Retired Workers Council Chair